Monday, April 3, 2017
How to Avoid Coming on Too Strong in Your Job Search
How to Avoid Coming on Too Strong in Your Job Search
How to Avoid Coming on Too Strong in Your Job Search
During the job search, its all too easy to feel emotionally involved. After all, this is your livelihood on the line, and everybodys telling you that a typo on your cover letter could be the difference between you going on to the interview stage or getting passed over entirely.
However, this same desire to get a job so badly could be the thing standing in the way of you actually getting hired.
The problem comes when you want something so bad that you go from being passionate and ambitious to seeming, to be honest, kind of needy.
In an article for Science magazine, career expert David Jensen explains:
Very few can achieve something difficult without desire. Desire, though, is like gasoline; it can burn too hot. Its also like a lubricant; it can grease the gears, but if you have too much, things get slippery and hard to hold on to. It also doesnt show very well, or not always.
For example, maybe you try so hard when networking with your professional contacts that you come on too strong and turn them off to helping you. Or maybe youve practiced your over-enthusiastic interview answers so much that you end up kind of scaring interviewers (they have a sixth sense for this sort of needy desire, Jensen says).
The question is, how do you show off your enthusiasmwithout going overboard? Here are a couple of suggestions.
When Networking
When it comes to any sort of networking (in-person events, email, LinkedIn), the name of the game is being straightforward but casual. Let people know that youre on the job hunt, but dont shove it down their throats.
For example, if youre at a networking event, you dont want to spend every second of a 10-minute conversation talking about yourself and what youre looking for in a job. Instead, use your job search as a jumping off point for someone else to talk about what they do. Saying, Oh, you work in finance? Ive actually been looking at different positions in the sector for a while. What is it that you do? is a lot less aggressive but also opens up the door to more possibilities of where the conversation can go.
Another important tip for networking during the job search? Always offer your contacts some sort of out. For instance, if youre asking a friend to put a good word in for you at her company, end with something like, If you dont feel comfortable doing this, I completely understand. Theres absolutely no pressure. Regardless of how badly you want that job, its not worth making a contact feel awkward (and potentially having the opposite effect).
In Your Job Application Materials
When youre the one doing all of the work to get a job, its easy for your materials to come off as being all about you. Whats wrong with this approach? Youre missing a critical part of the equation: The company thats doing the hiring.
Remember that from hiring managers perspectives, your job application is actually all about them, since theyre the ones in need of someone and therefore opening up the opportunity for you to apply.
So, dont let your resume, cover letter, or application turn into a giant me-fest. Much like the principles of networking, its all about making the other person the center of attention. Take extra care in your cover letter to explain what youd do for the company (not just the fact that the job would be great for you), and make sure your resume actually illustrates your qualifications for that particular job.
During the Interview
Over-preparation can actually be a bad thing when it comes to job interviews! For example, have you ever had someone look you straight in the eye for extended periods of time? Trust me on this one: Its ridiculously uncomfortable!
While its important to go over interview questions and think about how you want to come across when youre meeting with a hiring manager, its also important to think about how you may be coming across to the other person. For instance, a firm handshake it good; a bone-crushing grip is not. Practicing your answers tocommon interview questions can totally help you; memorizing answers word-for-word will come across as rehearsed and awkward.
Be prepared for anything in an interview, including having to go with the flow at some point or another.
The best way to keep your desire for an opportunity in check? Jensen suggests reminding yourself that there are bigger and more important things out there: focus less on whether or not you win in the end. You still have to be sharp; thats why you prepare well. But once youve prepared, you need to calm down. And you can. You know why? Because it really doesnt matter that much.
In other words, if this opportunity doesnt pan out, know that there will be another great one around the corner.
source How to Avoid Coming on Too Strong in Your Job Search
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