Sunday, April 23, 2017

Halfmoon Betta Fish Guide

Halfmoon Betta Fish Guide

Halfmoon Betta Fish Guide.

Halfmoon Betta Fish Guide - your ultimate ebook to care and raise beautiful and healthy halfmoon betta fishes successfully!

ATTENTION : Secrets to
nearly everything you need and want to knowabout Halfmoon Betta Fish keeping to ensure fun and rewarding to both
you and your Halfmoon Betta Fish !

Out How To Easily Make Your Halfmoon Betta Fish Healthy, Colorful And Happily Swimming In His Tank With Gorgeous Finnage.
Thinking Of Spawning These Beauties? Read On..."

Brandon Walter

Dear Betta Friend,

If you are passionate in
keeping Halfmoon Betta Fish or planning to start this as a new
hobby, this will probably be the most interesting and exciting
message youll come across today !

Why is this so?

Im Brandon and I
started this hobby of betta (Siamese Fighting Fish/ Betta Splendens)
keeping since childhood just like most betta lovers, thats almost
20 years from now. Phew....its a long way since then. Along the way,
Ive had lots of failures and victories in the betta world, both
sad and happy, but the experience is definitely rewarding and

Just imagine coming back
home from a stressful days work and escaping the effect by enjoying
the pleasant view of you mini aquarium with your Halfmoon Betta
Fish in it, swimming happily and flaring occasionally as it response
to You, his owners presence energetically with so much power and
attitude. For me, It helps tremendously in stress-relief. Thats why
as a responsible owner, I strive to give my Halfmoon Betta Fish the
best they can and rightfully get.

In fact throughout these
years, Ive done lots of extensive research on Betta Fish and
Halfmoon Betta Fish including the origins of Betta Fish, Types of
Betta Fish in different parts of the world, Proper selection of
Betta Fish, Food in their natural habitat for adult and fry, Housing
considerations, Genetic makeup, Injury and sickness, Spawning and
raising the young to
beautiful adults and lots more.

All my experience comes from
visiting and sharing information with Betta Fish hobbyist around the
world via internet, emails, forums and personal visits. Other than
that, I used to interview commercial and non-commercial breeders by
sharing knowledge on Betta Fish. These includes visiting Betta farms
and Tropical Fish farms in search for newer innovative ways to breed
Bettas to enhance the quality or quantity of the strain, Latest
breed of Bettas, what systems are breeders using and other Betta
related topics. I also read
lots of books and articles relating to Halfmoon Betta Fish, Betta
Fish and Other tropical fishes. From here, I gain invaluable
knowledge on the Halfmoon Betta fishs family -- Anabantidae or
Belontiidae, that belongs to the same family as the Gouramis and the
famous Paradise Fish. This made me become well aware of their
special respiratory organs, nature and temperament, and also their
spawning patterns. Lastly the most valuable first
hand knowledge - Doing my own research and keeping bettas successfully
for the past 20

Side Note :
now to get a
5-Day Course On Halfmoon Betta

As I go along, let me
point out a few things I encounter when keeping Halfmoon Betta Fish that
inspires me to find out more and share about the topic:

--- Most fish books are
general with the exception of a few betta books
are general in Betta Fish that even includes wild betta. Till now,
yet to come across a fish book specialized in Halfmoon Betta

although Ive look through all corners of almost all bookstores Ive


--- Most hobbyist keep
only a few bettas and also other tropical fish, and

their information are based on a more general tropical fish approach

rather than betta specific, let alone Halfmoon Betta Fish. Ive

experimented with all their ways and found that hardly any of their

suggestions work perfectly for Halfmoon Betta Fish, considering

Halfmoon Betta Fishs more demanding nature and requires more care

than general Betta keeping.

--- Breeders on the
other hand will most of the time not reveal all their betta

keeping secrets to others if you were to ask them. So you barely get

of what is true and effective in keeping and spawning Halfmoon Betta

Fish. Ive gone through this in the early stage and know its costly
and as

time consuming as it is unfair for the passionate Halfmoon Betta

hobbyist like You. Therefore I promised to state the knowledge I

about Halfmoon Betta Fish throughout the years as clearly and

sincerely as I can convey.

So bit by bit I gathered
the precious information by all kinds of sources and noted it down in my all
together 11 betta log books. Finally I got excited with all of my
Halfmoon Betta Fish information that I started typing it into my
computer for better maintenance and reference. Then comes a
brilliant idea to compile and summarize what I have gathered into an ebook to
share to all Halfmoon Betta Fish lovers like You, with the hope that this
wonderful hobby will bring joy to more people be it beginners or
experts. The result - " Halfmoon Betta Fish Guide " was born.

" Isnt It time to
feel a sense of certainty that the

Halfmoon Betta Fish information given to

you is going to work wonders for you

and your beloved Halfmoons ? "

Now let me share with
you this humble yet informative Halfmoon Betta Fish compilation to
end any uncertainty and shooting in the dark......

Proudly Presents:

"Halfmoon Betta
Fish Guide" - Your ultimate ebook
to care and
raise Beautiful and Healthy Halfmoon
Betta Fishes

This is not another
general fish hobby ebook you come across often or see on the shelf
of your favorite book shop. It consist of practical, drilled-down
tips by performing endless researches and experiments by not only a
few, but many experts around the world who share the same interest
like you and me -- keeping Halfmoon Betta Fish.

To be certain that this
is the Halfmoon Betta Fish Guide youve been looking for, here are
some sneak peeks of the contents :

Halfmoon Betta Fish Guide - A practical, proven-to-work
compilation of

110 pages of
Halfmoon Betta Fish information in PDF format.

Youll find out the evolution of Betta species to achieve the

Halfmoon Betta Fish that you see nowadays.

How to avoid being con
by Fish Shops or sellers simply claiming their

long-finned betta fish a Halfmoon Betta Fish.

Todays Halfmoon Betta Fish show
standards. Requirements and

appearances that qualify as a true Halfmoon.

Simple yet effective
tips for obtaining your first healthy, desease-free

Halfmoon Betta Fish.

How to select the
correct features that is a must, in Male and Female

Halfmoon Betta Fishes.

The little known secrets
on how environmental factors affect the

Halfmoon Betta Fish.

The surprising tips on
water changing and water chemistry.

(i.e. Why some hobbyist have beautiful Halfmoons although they

less frequent water changes compared to you!)

Ill help you know
exactly what food betta take in the wild and also

commercially, and how can we make use of these information to plan a

nutritious and balanced diet for your Halfmoon Betta Fish.

How to become a responsible hobbyist and not just a Halfmoon Betta

Fish owner, and how your Halfmoons respond to your care.

Dont only wonder on the
beauty of your Halfmoon Betta Fish. Its your

right to have the knowledge on the gorgeous finnage, color and

of your beloved pet. In here, step-by-step explanation on Halfmoon

Fish genetics are discussed clearly.

Before you spawn your
Halfmoon Betta Fish, you need to visualize the

outcome of the spawn including finnage and coloration. Many hobbyist
to do this resulting in unwanted offspring and time wasted. I will
understand on the pairing and maintaining of Halfmoon strains so
you wont end up disappointed if the outcome is not what you


Answers to "Why some
Halfmoon pairs just wont spawn ?", and how to

select breeding pairs.

Explanations on why
conditioning is crucial before breeding Halfmoon

Betta Fish.

How to decide which
spawning tank is best for you and your Halfmoon

Betta Fish pair.

What to do to prepare
the spawning tank. Discussions on the various

tank setup, plants and deco.

One of the best way to
estimate the spawning time of you Halfmoon

Betta Fish pair.

Detailed information on
the pre-spawning, the actual spawning ritual,

and post-spawning of Halfmoon betta fish, and what you should and

should not do.

How to take care of
injured parents after spawning to enable them to get

healthy and spawn again in the future.

Clear information on the
caring of Halfmoon Betta Fish fry from the

beginning, and why so many breeders and hobbyist lost their fry
easily in

the first week or so, and how to prevent it.

Find out why Halfmoon
Betta Fish fry are unable to take almost all

commercial and non-commercial food you can buy.

Types of fry food and
simple formula in preparing baby food for your fry

to ensure healthy growth. They just love it when I provide them with

varieties of suitable baby food.

Find out the average
growth rate for Halfmoon Betta Fish fry and

evaluate yourself on how good you are doing.

How to determine the
time to separate and jar young adults, and the

effects of separating them too early and too late.

Have you ever mistaken a
young female for a male and vice versa?

Dont get panic, the reality is that all breeders go through this.
Only with

the correct information, tips and experience will you be more
certain in

sexing young Halfmoons. I will reveal in this ebook on how to save

time, effort and space.

The correct tank or jar
for your Halfmoon Betta Fish. Exactly how is a

round jar better than a square one and what advantage does glass

over plastics etc.

How long a Halfmoon
Betta Fish can live? Is he old or is he sick?

Common and uncommon
sickness, causes, remedies, and prevention.

Learn how to make DIY
gadgets in caring for your Halfmoon Betta Fish.

A detailed Filtration
System to host 90 adult Halfmoon Betta Fish. Full

Pictured and elaboration included.

A lot more facts, tips
and tricks to provide you and your Halfmoon Betta

Fish the best there is.

" Dont you want to start mastering the art

of keeping Halfmoon Betta Fish easily,

and effectively?"

Rest assured that this
ebook is guaranteed to stir up the excitement in you if you are in
love with Halfmoon Betta Fish because all the information and tips
are practical, applicable and sincerely written.

Some comments by other
Halfmoon Betta Fish lovers (now friends, as I strongly believe
in all hobbies, Sharing Of Information and Making Friends along the
road will enable you to go a long way) that have viewed the " Halfmoon Betta Fish Guide" :

Now I am
able to spawn and raise my HM beta successfully, owing to your
HM beta guide! Its been almost a month now and the fries are
very healthy. My previous spawns are mostly unsuccessful
or only a few eggs are fertilized. This is my first time success
and Im overjoyed by the outcome.
Your guide helped me a lot
in ensuring everything is in the right place and by following
the steps, Im a lot more confident in spawning, I would sure
recommend this guide to any beta hobbyist.
Thank you
Winzy J. Dorlina

I doubted
your book at first when my son downloaded it. A glance at the
cover makes me think its just another betta book with general
information. After having read it, I found lots of tips on
Halfmoon Betta Fish that I myself wanted to know. I had to
congratulate you on your book and effort in finding those
valuable tips. As Im a hobbyist/part time breeder myself, I
realized its those small things that youve stressed to make
your book as complete as possible that take into account, will
make your Halfmoon Betta Fish stand out from others.
Besides that, what I found
most interesting in your book that make it obviously different
from others, is the chapter in creating an Automated System for
rearing adult Halfmoon Betta Fish.
Your book is by far one of
the most outstanding compilation on Halfmoon Betta Fish Ive
ever seen.
Frank Ross, Au

Thanks for
including all the tips possible in keeping Halfmoon Betta
Fish. Ive learnt a lot from your book. As Im a beginner, I
find your book easy to read and when everytime Im in doubt,
theres sure an elaboration or a picture
to give me a
clearer view on the specific topic. Keep up the good work.
Best Regards,
Joe Wallace

Hi Brandon,
After reading your Halfmoon ebook, I
found out whats wrong with my Halfmoon Betta fishes that are
not active, colorless and lost appetite without any obvious
sickness symptoms despite trying all kinds of fish medicine from
various fish shops. I applied your method and in 2 weeks,
all of my 8 halfmoon fishes becomes as healthy as ever. I may
consider to spawn them soon since the steps are clearly included
in your ebook as well as curing for sick bettas. Thank you and
happy having your ebook as a detail guide for my Halfmoon
Have a nice day,
Daniel Lee

As the tips and
information in this ebook are tested and proven to be first rate,
you will definitely see some difference in your Halfmoon Betta Fish
in a few weeks time if you use the details in the ebook as a
guideline, whether you wish to enhance the health of your Halfmoon,
raising fry successfully, or even general caring.

As you know, this ebook
creation involved countless hours of time, effort, patient and
lastly lots of love for Halfmoon Betta Fish let alone my cost. This
is to ensure that this ebook is packed with full of valuable,
practical, sincere, precious and easy-to-understand tips that
promises to deliver nothing but the best for you and your Halfmoon
Betta Fish.

On my part Ive done
whatever possible to come out with this such a fine ebook. So if
Im willing to share all my Halfmoon Betta Fish information and
experiences with you, are you willing to contribute or donate just a
small fraction of my investment as a token of appreciation?

If you are out searching
for these useful tips on your own, you might end up spending lots of
time - months or even years to gather all of them. So as to think
smart, why not save that amount of time and use it to admire and
have a good time enjoying with your lovely Halfmoon Betta Fish? You
may think that there are other options like going to the book shop
and purchase some books and magazines. You can, but this is what
thats done by me years ago till now, and I know choosing the right
book and filtering the right information is a tedious task, and
moreover the money you spend on these printed material can easily
surpass $100 in the first month alone. And I believe these books are
not concentrating 100% on Halfmoon Betta Fish, but just a general
topic on bettas or tropical fish.

Now as you intelligently
understood the unbeatable advantage in owning this ebook, how about
contributing a mere
to help you get started on
finding all these tips and secrets?

Yes its true, just for
, youll be able to own yourself the
Halfmoon Betta Fish Guide.


Here is my limited
if you order

Good News! To all
Halfmoon Betta Lovers out there : Due to my "Online Early-Bird
Offer", you can grab this ebook for an astonishingly 50% ridiculous
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Why is this so? As you
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orders, prepare documents, and delivery. All this savings will be
passed on accordingly to you just because you are passionate about
Halfmoon Betta Fish like me myself! In other words we both win.

Next, as Ive always
stressed, a hobby is as simple as "information sharing and meeting
friends that share the same interest". I really want to share my
knowledge with you and let your Halfmoon Betta fish get the best out
of this ebook. As so to let you enjoy the benefits as soon as
possible, Im willing to give you the special offer at only
to consider that many hobbyists start at an early age when they are
still schooling, so I try to lower the price so that many more Halfmoon lovers out there can get a copy of it be it working adults
or young hobbyists. For me, the amount is something like what you
pay for having lunch or purchasing fish medicines when your beloved
Halfmoon Betta Fish is sick due to improper caring.

Finally, after you had
gone through the ebook and I trust that it will sure advantage you
in many ways, I would like to have your precious feedback and
testimonial as to keep track of the perception of the ebook by
fellow hobbyists and also to use it for my publicity.

You can easily download
the ebook and have a good time with your Halfmoon Betta Fish.

And because Im ready to
offer you everything I can, Im going to provide you with a :

45-Day Money
Back Guarantee!

Because I am confident
that you will find my unique tips interesting and useful, Im
prepared to give you a no-question-asked, 100% full-refund, 45-day
Money back guarantee.

If at any time within 45
days of the purchase date, you feel that the Halfmoon Betta Guide is
not for you, just pop me an e-mail requiring a refund. And you can
keep the ebook as a token of appreciation of your time from me.

I know youll
intelligently agree with me that
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to get all those valuable Halfmoon tips while other people easily
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Is that an opportunity
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You owe it to yourself
for having this Great hobby of Halfmoon Betta Fish keeping. And now,
you can be absolutely certain you are going to give your hobby
nothing but the best by clicking on the purchase link below to


Warmest Regards,

A Halfmoon Betta Fish

applying the unrevealed tips in this ebook, you will be amazed at

how simple and easy it is to care for your Halfmoon Betta Fish to

it more beautiful, active, showing off its traits, and living
healthily and

happily. By any chance you find the guide not suitable for you, you

entitled for the 100% money back guarantee for the next 45 days.

Side Note :
now to get a
5-Day Course On Halfmoon Betta

Join Affiliate Program

Copyright (C) 2012,
Brandon Walter,

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Result of Halfmoon Betta Fish Guide.

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