Thursday, January 19, 2017



How nerdy is this, Im celebrating my blogs birthday! Well, whats NOT lame is all you people out there whove made this so much fun to do! The funny thing about this blog is that i started it so flipantly that i never expected or intended to do much with it. I though itd be a convient way to show potential employers some work ive done. Well, nearly 50,000 hits later it has been a big teaching venue, as well as showing off a little bit of what ive done.
The most enjoyable part has truly been hearing from people like yourself that visit every now and again! I love sharing animation and what ive learned about it, and its been a blast to hear that some many people enjoy reading about it too! Also, the other great thing about this new blogland we have found ourselves in is all the AMAZING artwork out there! Its scary, but inspiring too! If theres any 2D guys out there with blogs, post more pencil tests man! There are only a couple i know of that do, i think itd be really fun to see more of that out there!
This next year id like to finish that tutorial of course, ya know, on how to approach a scene. I still have to finish all the tie stuff. by the way, that bear shot is nearly complete, about 85 percent done man! but i want to post more on my short film-- maybe some designs, even though i suck at it, maybe some boards, and definately more animation.
So thanks to all the amazing artists out there who have made this such a fun experience and heres to another year at the Hand Drawn Nomad!

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